Biosecurity Plan for the Tea Tree Industry


Document overview

Biosecurity for the Australian tea tree industry focuses on five key areas outlined below, and identifies the components to be implemented over the life of the biosecurity plan 2019-2023.

High priority exotic pests, established pests and weeds of biosecurity significance

A key outcome of this biosecurity plan is the identification of the exotic High Priority Pests (HPP), and established pests and weeds of biosecurity significance for the Australian tea tree industry (Page 4). This section includes:

  • exotic HPPs, are the most significant potential exotic pest threats affecting the tea tree industry, as identified through a prioritisation process

  • established pests of biosecurity significance identified in consultation with the Australian tea tree industry

  • established weeds of biosecurity significance, as identified by industry and government.

The exotic HPP list, established pests and weeds of biosecurity significance will allow industry and government to better prioritise preparedness activities and will assist in the implementation of effective grower and community awareness campaigns, targeted biosecurity education and training programs for growers, development of surveillance programs and diagnostic protocols, as well as development of pest- specific mitigation activities.


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